District 6 Sierra Valley Metro Program
District 6 is planning to offer a Metro program for US Soccer affiliated teams at the Select/Competitive level from U9 to U19 and YSYSL is considering putting teams in the league. Players and coaches will be able to choose our Select Program on registration. YSYSL will consider coaches with qualifications who will then be able to form teams from interested players. Information is available about the Metro League here: https://d6soccer.org/home/leagues/ and here: https://yubasuttersoccer.com/content/33610/What-is-Metro
For more information or questions, and interested coaches, contact Wendy Archiega (metro@yubasuttersoccer.com) or Charlie Osborne (coaching@yubasuttersoccer.com)
Elite FC
Elite FC plays in NorCal Premier, part of the US Club system. It is geared for players who love the game and are seeking advanced training and development. Elite offers players dedicated state and nationally licenced coaching and competitive playing opportunities to develop their talents in a challenging environment.
Elite FC is a step up from Metro and recreational programs, It
has a longer playing season with more opportunities for your athlete to
be challenged through tournaments and league games against other
Northern CA teams in top divisions.
For more information about Elite FC, please visit https://www.yubaelitefc.org/
Azzurri Futbol Club (AFC)
Azzurri FC plays in NorCal Premier, part of the US Club system. It is geared for players who love to play the game and who are seeking advanced training and development. AFC offers players dedicated, state and nationally licensed coaching and competitive playing opportunities to develop their talents in a challenging environment.
AFC is a step up from the Metro and Recreational programs. It has a longer playing season with more opportunities for your athlete to be challenged through tournaments and league games against other Northern CA teams in top divisions.
For more information about the Azzurri Futbol Club, please visit https://yubasutterazzurri.org/