What Is Metro?


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We will soon be accepting registrations for the District 6 Spring/Metro League. This league is primarily for YSYSL players registered for fall 2025 for our U10 players (birth years 2016 & 2017), U12 players (2014 & 2015), and U14 players (2012 & 2013). District hosts U16 (2010 & 2021) and older divisions and offers a Spring League in most ages. Availability depends on the coaches that sign up. YSYSL will not register players without a certified coach ready to take the team.

YSYSL believes competitive programs are important and valuable for athletes who are serious about soccer development. Azzurri FC and Elite FC are our partners and have programs with strong records.

However, we understand there is a place for athletes who are playing multiple sports who cannot train or commit to year-round competitive programs, or choose not to for other reasons, and YSYSL/District 6 are committed to creating a wide range of programs to allow athletes to keep playing.

The Sierra Valley Metro League, or Metro, is a program run by District 6 Soccer (Sacramento) for teams from the member leagues to play opponents from other clubs and leagues. Metro is a Select program (players are selected by the league/coach, not just simply signing up and being placed by area). Metro has divisions from U9 (birth year 2016) through U19 for boys/coed and girls teams. For YSYSL, it’s a chance for players who are not ready or able for competitive programs to still be able to develop and play against better opposition.

YSYSL coaches and players opt in for potential selection during our regular registration. Selecting Metro in the registration does not guarantee a coach or player will be selected for a Metro team. Coaches are reviewed by YSYSL and selected for the Metro program, and then will select players for the teams from eligible candidates. Teams may hold practices or events to assist in player selection.

There are no additional costs to participate in fall Metro. YSYSL Metro teams wear the same uniforms as all YSYSL teams. Metro league entry fees and home referee costs for home matches are included in registration. Metro coaches are not paid.

Metro teams form shortly after registration, will participate in a seeding tournament in July, and begin season play in mid-August. Home games are played at Riverfront Park but away games are played at the home fields of different clubs around Sacramento and the surrounding area. Metro generally plays an 8-10 game schedule, typically half home and half away.

YSYSL Metro coaches must have, or be enrolled in, a US Soccer Grassroots Coaching license course for their appropriate age, 7v7, 9v9 or 11v11, or higher.

YSYSL Metro teams may, at their own expense, play in tournaments and events during the seasonal year. YSYSL Metro teams may also wear a “3rd” uniform beyond the normal blue and gray jerseys at their own expense.

If you have questions, please send them to coaching@yubasuttersoccer.com.