YSYSL 2024 Letter to Coaches

Hi Coaches!

This letter is available in Spanish at https://yubasuttersoccer.com/content/33398/2024-Carta-a-los-entrenadores

Esta carta está disponible en español en: https://yubasuttersoccer.com/content/33398/2024-Carta-a-los-entrenadores

We look forward to a great 2024/25 season and hope to see you back! We have some exciting changes for the coming year.

Coach registration opens May 1st, and player registration opens May 15th. Both will close June 30th. There will be player registration discounts for head and assistant coaches. You may only take the discount once for each team you coach, and you must have all the legal and safety requirements done to be eligible to coach a team. Please complete those requirements as soon as possible AFTER June 1st. Our state organization starts the season on June 1st, and anything done before that is considered “last year”.  Once you register watch for an email from the system, it will have detailed instructions. If you don’t see it, please check your junk folder. Remember to go all the way to “checkout” for your registration to be complete.

We are excited to bring back Speed Soccer for older players. Our plan is to play traditional 11v11 for U14 (2011 & 2012 birth years), and Speed Soccer for U16 (2009 & 2010 birth years). We will need coaches, and probably referees for this group. Let us know if you are interested.

We are also excited to partner with District 6 for an expanded fall Metro program. We had several teams have a great spring, and we are looking for coaches who would like to be involved in a low-cost, Sacramento area league for YSYSL players. Please reach out to me if you have an interest or questions.

We are offering the US Soccer 7v7 and 9v9 courses this summer. Keep an eye out for course dates. With that, we are trying to prioritize those coaches who have completed trainings and have coach licenses. Player’s requests for a particular coach will go first to those coaches who have a license.

Last, I have resigned as the Coach Coordinator. There are several Board positions open, and if anyone would like to become the Coach Coordinator or one of the other positions, please let me know. We really need more people to be involved and it takes a variety of skills, not just coaching or playing experience. There is a lot that goes in to making a soccer season, and the more hands involved, the easier it is for everyone. Thank you for our soccer community.

Charlie Osborne
YSYSL Coaching Coordinator