
Field of play

  • 40x25 recommended

  • Goals are 6 x 12 (recommended)

  • Build-Out Line – a line between the penalty box and the half line. When a goalkeeper has the ball or is awarded a goal kick, the opponent must retreat behind this line until the ball is put in play again; drop-kicks or punts by the goalie are not allowed


  • Size 3

Game Length

  • 10-minute quarters; 2 minute break after the 1st & 3rd periods & 5 minutes after the 2nd


  • 5v5 (4 field players and a goalkeeper)

  • Substitutions are unlimited and can occur at any time, even while the ball is in play

  • Players must play at least 50% of the game

Players’ Equipment

  • Jersey, black shorts, socks, shin guards and cleats or tennis shoes

  • Shin guards must be completely covered by the stockings

  • No hard casts or splints are allowed


  • Registered and certified referees are not needed at this level. Since there is no referee, a coach from each team will be on the field to manage the game.


  • Goal kicks and corner kicks should be taken in the general vicinity of the respective goal or corner.

  • All free kicks are indirect; no penalty kicks

  • Opponents should be 10 feet from the ball on all restarts

  • Kick-ins from the touchline may be used in place of throw-ins

Goal Kick & Goalie Possession of the Ball

  • When the goalie has possession of the ball or the team has a goal kick, the opponent must retreat behind the build-out line until the ball is played. The goalie may put the ball in play by throwing or putting the ball down to dribble or pass; drop-kicks and punts are not allowed. When the ball is back in play, players may move freely anywhere on the field again.


  • Corner flags are not required

  • No offsides


Deliberate heading is NOT allowed in YSYSL games. If a player deliberately heads a ball in a game, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. If the deliberate head occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred.